Many years ago, we started this journey to make a difference in healthcare, by understanding medical conditions and observing them from the patients’ perspective. People with diabetes, obesity, and many other chronic medical conditions often have a hopeless feeling, the personal search for medical treatment results in conflicting information. Our goal was to develop a new approach to consistently duplicate positive outcomes in patients willing to become part of their medical team.
Through our search we developed the DOLCrx way where we put the patient in charge of their condition. The first step in managing any medical treatment is understanding the treatment and everyone’s (provider, pharmacist, and patient) role in the patient centered team approach. The patient is accountable and responsible, along with the healthcare providers, and with this approach any medical condition is more manageable.
The patient needs to decide if they will do what is necessary to improve their condition, and there is no magic pill. Here our success is gauged by patient outcomes and we compare it to school and attending class; whether you pass or fail the class it is based on the teacher helping you understand the subject and removing the barriers, but a key component is the students’ engagement and effort.
DOLCrx will become an invaluable part of your healthcare team while managing your chronic conditions like Diabetes, IBS, IBD, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weight loss successfully.
We are a unique pharmacy striving to save patients money by reducing healthcare costs, improve patient outcomes and helping them manage their chronic medical conditions, instead of the condition managing them.
We also want to provide employers options to direct contracting. Improving healthcare for their employees and reducing costs for both the employers and the employees.
What is your health worth to you? Find out what we can do together. We have some testimonials on our main page and many… many… more.
The DOLCrx Team
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Vitamins & Minerals
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Fresh food for your body
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